031 500 3337

031 500 3337

031 500 3337


The company conducts screening through PSIRA and S.A.P.S. prior to employment of security officers. This exercise curbs employment of individuals involved with prior criminal activities. Thorough background investigation is conducted on security training institution graduates as well.

Legal Mandates

  • The Constitution
  • Labour Relations Act
  • Employment Equity Act
  • Public Finance Management Act
  • Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act
  • Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
  • Firearm Control Act
  • Skills Development Act
  • National Small Business Act
  • Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
  • Unemployment Insurance Fund
  • South African Revenue Services
  • Compensation of Injuries & Diseases Act
  • Occupational Health & Safety Act

Our Values

We are dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service and ensuring our clients’ needs are met.

We adhere to the highest ethical standards and always act with honesty and transparency.

We embrace new technologies and methods to provide cutting-edge security solutions to our clients.

We are knowledgeable and highly trained professionals who continuously strive to improve our skills.

We work together as a team to achieve our common goals and provide the best possible service to our clients.

We respect our clients’ privacy and handle all confidential information with the utmost care.


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